Organic Natural Wedding Registry
Build a new home with things you truly believe in. Invest in style, quality, health, and sustainability. Surround yourself with products that strengthen the body, cultivate the mind, and nourish the soul and domestic bliss is sure to follow.
Steve and I will celebrate our tenth anniversary next year. Contemplate on the life we've built together, I can't help looking around our house analyzing what things we truly love and treasure over time. When we first moved in together into a one bedroom Yaletown condo, he brought his belongings from Victoria on his pickup truck, and mine arrived in a container from Hong Kong three months later. Back then our living space was filled with a mishmash of older hand me downs and newish IKEA stuff. Needless to say it didn't feel like home.
When we got married in 2005, we were gifted with a beautiful Tiffany hand-cut crystal vase, and a few elegant Haviland serving dishes. We use them regularly and enjoy using them every time. When we went to Southern India for our honeymoon the following year, we purchased an exquisite buddha wood carving that we walk pass countless times everyday. Once in a while I pause in front of it and suddenly my mind travels joyously back to the palm lined backwaters of Kerela.
We bought our house in 2007 before our daughter Aria was born. It was a 60-year old post and beam heritage house in need of TLC. After living in it for four years, we moved out for a year to give it a total renovation. When we went to shop for appliances and fixtures, Steve looked at me sternly and said, "This is our big chance to get the nice house we really want, so let's get what we really want." He was right, even though we were stretched beyond our means at the time, we got the beautiful house that we wanted, complete with reclaimed fir floors, walnut cabinets, beautiful granite countertops and many cool features throughout. We love living and raising our children in this house and will for the next twenty years. Here is a peak into our kitchen, where we cook, eat, entertain, and work.
My parting words of wisdom to married people to be? Invest in your life, you are the one who will live in it.