Working with Nightmares
Nightmares commonly occur to those experiencing PTSD, anxiety, depression, and habitual anger. They are the most intense dreams because they reveal the most daunting memories and unconscious feelings.

Treating nightmares through dreamwork is a natural and effective approach in overcoming underlying psychological issues.
Learn how you can help yourself or a loved one through dreamwork with Dr. Leslie Ellis, Vancouver-based psychotherapist, teacher, and author of A Clinician’s Guide to Dream Therapy: Implementing Simple and Effective Dreamwork.
She will present "Stopping the Nightmare: How to work with dreams that terrify us" on November 2 at Dream Salon - a symposium event featuring world-renowned dream scientists, psychologists, and an indigenous storyteller.
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit https://www.dreamdesigns.ca/pages/dream-salon-38